KrampusFest 2024 Tickets
Cleveland DSB German Brass Band
Mission Statement:
To perpetuate and preserve traditional Danube Swabian and German-American music, primarily through live performances that showcase the artistry and talent of the Cleveland Donauschwäbische Blaskapelle.
2024 Performance Schedule:
June 29th Lorain International Fest 2:00pm-3:00pm
July 19th Beer & Brats, 6:00pm-10:00pm Lenau Park
August 9th Lake Erie Crushers German Day
August 16th Sommer Oktoberfest, 6:00pm-7:30pm Lenau Park
August 18th Sommer Oktoberfest, 12:00pm-2:30pm Lenau Park
August 30th Cleveland Oktoberfest, 4:30pm-7:30pm
September 6th German Central Oktoberfest, 5:00pm-7:30pm
September 7th Cleveland Oktoberfest, 3:30pm-7:30pm
September 22nd Cuyahoga Falls Oktoberfest, 12:30pm-3:30pm
September 28th St. Paul’s Episcopal, Medina Oktoberfest, 1:00pm-5:00pm
September 29th Apollo Maennerchor Oktoberfest, 4:00pm-6:30pm
October 19th Kulturegruppe Oktoberfest, Lenau Park, 4:00pm-6:30pm
November 3rd Kirchweihfest/Tag der Donauschwaben 12:00pm-4:00pm
December 7th KrampusFest!, Lenau Park, 6pm-11pm
December 15th Weihnachtsfeier, Lenau Park, 2:00pm-4:30pm
Group History:
In 1958, the Cleveland Society of Danube Swabians’ Brass Band & Posaunenchor was founded by Peter Glatt and Reverend Horst Hoyer. Songs performed consisted primarily of waltzes, polkas, and marches.
The band often played at the Banater Club, Sachsenheim Club, and Gottscheer Club, and after six years, the band had grown to forty-four members. At that time, Glatt entrusted the band to Edmund Siefert and Hans Franz.
In 1967, the Cleveland DSB was invited to perform at the Bundesmusikfest in Sindelfingen, Germany, taking first place honors for an unforgettable performance of Sousa’s “Washington Post.” 156 brass bands were in attendance, and the DSB performed a total of forty-seven concerts in just sixteen days.
Richard Reuding and Hans Noel subsequently took over, as the DSB toured Canada and later performed in Los Angeles. The band continued onward and upward with Peter Weber. Then, under the direction of Ralph Rehner and Michael Rehner, the band booked a luxurious cruise ship tour of the Caribbean Sea, including performances in the Dominican Republic, San Juan, and Saint Croix.
Continued success followed under the direction of Robert Kozy, Jack Hack, Michael Sifferman, Ed Seifert, Paul Psota, Matt Niessen, and Michele Esper. Most recently, Roger Radke and John McClellan have organized performances in Detroit, Sandusky, Sharon, and Windsor, as well as local venues such as the Akron Zoo, All Pro Freight Stadium, Altenheim & Shurmer Place, Amherst German Fest, Canal Park, Cleveland Labor Day Oktoberfest, Cleveland Maennerchor, Cleveland World Festival, German Central Oktoberfest, German Cultural Garden, Great Lakes Brewing Company, Heimatland Oktoberfest, Hofbräuhaus Cleveland, John Carroll University, Lenau Park Sommer Oktoberfest, Olmsted Falls Heritage Days Festival, Parker Hannifin, and Sandusky Oktoberfest.
As the Cleveland DSB enters into its 66th year, under the direction of Julie Williams, the traditions of Danube Swabian brass bands continue as the DSB performs long standing waltzes, polkas, and marches. Special thanks to all who have supported the Cleveland DSB, past and present!
President: Scott J. Saluga
Vice President: James Lenahan
Treasurer: Robert Elshaw
Secretary: James Boyer
Delegates: John Yatson, Roger Radke
Musical Director: Julie Williams
Assistant Musical Directors: Matt Niessen, Chris Donze
Vocalist: Jim Lenahan, Amy Reutlinger, Diana Tyler,
Contact Information:
Phone: 614-439-5524
E-mail: blaskapelle@donauschwabencleveland.com