Preserve our heritage. How can you help?
Only someone who honors the traditions of his ancestors is worthy to be their descendant.
Lenau Park reopened in the Spring of 2021 and has been holding most of the usual events, and some new ones. However, you may not be aware of how the Covid shutdown impacted our organization and the challenges we now face. We were able to stay afloat during this time with the help of grants and relief monies from the government, and by dipping into our savings. Relief monies have dried up and we are now in the process of replenishing our very depleted savings. It took years to build up the savings that we had, and it will be even harder now in the current economy. Our beautiful facility continues to age and with that comes expensive repairs. Building savings and making big repairs are conflicting agendas and we are looking at multiple solutions.
We have been offered an opportunity to receive a very generous donation of stocks in the amount of $25,000 to be placed in a foundation that will yield funds for years to come. The one stipulation on this donation is that our organization raises the same amount in donations, including monies that new and renewed memberships would contribute to this cause. Our membership email went out on November 18, 2022, to renew for 2023. Letters were sent to those without an email. It was sent to current members and those who have let their membership lapse. Please renew your membership to help with the fundraising effort. Additionally, if you are not already a member of the DGACC, please consider filling out a social membership application to become a member. Better yet, please consider opting to renew as a lifetime member for a one-time donation of $500.
If you’ve been blessed and you’re in a position to make an additional donation, we’d be grateful. A donation in any amount to the Donauschwaben German-American Cultural Center (DGACC) will help us reach our $25,000 goal. With tax time around the corner, now is a great time to make a tax-deductible donation.
If you so choose, you can also make a donation to the foundation fund which would be established for the $25,000 stock donation. Such a donation would allow donors to make contributions that will benefit our club for generations to come. It is, in essence, a legacy donation.
Our Board Members recently reviewed our grounds and facility. There are numerous repairs and maintenance needs that are either urgent or about to become urgent in the next year and beyond. Our volunteer “Wednesday Workers” have for many years provided grass cutting and other repairs, but as our facility increases with age, so does the scope of the repair projects. Our main building was built in the mid 1980s and just like your home, our beloved facility needs a roof, driveway, parking lot, septic system, and countless other repairs. Your donation would go directly to capital improvements.
In times like this, we’re reminded of how interconnected we are. Thank you for being a part of our German Heritage community with the Donaschwaben at Lenau Park. Without you, none of it is possible.
Donations can be made by money order or personal check, as well as through our website by using PayPal or a credit card by pressing the DONATE button, or by calling our office at 440-235-2646
Thank you for your continued patronage and support.